It worth having a looking through the StackExchange intro tourStackExchange intro tour which includes information on the kind of questions that could be asked.
Focus on questions about an actual problem you have faced. Include details about what you have tried and exactly what you are trying to do.
Ask about...
- Specific issues with Sitecore CMS and multichannel marketing software
- Real problems or questions that you’ve encountered
Like-wise, questions that are not a good fit for StackExchange:
Not all questions work well in our format. Avoid questions that are primarily opinion-based, or that are likely to generate discussion rather than answers.
Don't ask about...
- Anything not directly related to Sitecore CMS and multichannel marketing software
- Questions that are primarily opinion-based
- Questions with too many possible answers or that would require an extremely long answer
So anything directly Sitecore related is on-topic, and it does not have to be directly programming related. But questions need to be specific and trying to solve a specific problem. Asking open-ended questions, duplicate questions or not having tried anything (I need to do X, please provide code) should all be considered off-topic and trigger close votes.