#What are community edits?
This is a community site,Existing questions and as such - postsanswers on this site are the shared responsibility of the community at large.
It is important you realise the difference from say a more traditional "forum" technology, where only moderators can edit or even remove content.
Start by reading the general guide on community edits.
While using this site you will sometimes (maybe often) find that your posts, questions and answers alike, get minor edits done to them. You will be notified and in some circumstances also be given an option to reject the editedited by anyone.
Before habitually or for any other reason you decide you might want to reject an edit, please take some time to understand what this process is and why we do it.
- What are community edits?
- What are the reasons for people to edit others' posts?
- What are the examples of particular types of edits?